Об авторе библиография About the author bibliography* Александр Шевелёв. 1964 г.родился в селе Шереховичи в Новгородской области. 1984 г.закончил Ярославское художественное училище. 1992 г.закончил ленинградский институт живописи скульптуры и архитектуры им.И.Е.Репина, факультет живописи, мастерская н.х.СССР Моисеенко Е.Е. и н.х. РСФСР П.Т.Фомина. 1996 г.член союза художников России. С 2013 г. член творческого союза жудожников России и международной федерации художников секция-живопись,Серебрянная медаль ТСХ за вклад в отечественное изобразительное искусство 2015. Член профессионального союза художников России.С 1992 г.живёт и работает в Рыбинске. С 1989 г.участник областных и республиканских выставок. Победитель конкурса МОЯ МАЛАЯ РОДИНА Art-Salon.ru (2016). * Работы художника находятся в Рыбинском историко-художественном музее, музее города Молога, у Губернатора Ярославской области, в АО "Московит", в собственности НПО "Сатурн" (Рыбинские моторы),в собрании журнала "Русская галерея ХХI век",в Государственной Думе ФС РФ, частных собраниях Москвы, Рыбинска, Санкт-Петербурга, Ярославля, а так-же в Германии, США, Финляндии, Швеции, Голландии, Англии, Македонии. * Контактный телефон в Рыбинске: +7-910-817-7547 * Alexander Shevelev. 1964 was born in Sherehovichi the Novgorod area. 1984 has finished the Yaroslavl art school. 1992 has finished the Leningrad institute of painting of a sculpture and architecture Nm. I.E. Repin, faculty of painting, workshop F.P. the USSR Moiseenko E.E. and F.P. RSFSR P.T. Fomin. 1996 a member of the union of artists of Russia.2013 a member of the creative union artists Russia and the international federation of artists section - painting. 2013 a member of the professional union artists Russia.Since 1992 lives and works in Rybinsk. Since 1989 the participant of regional and republican exhibitions. * Works of the artist are in Rybinsk art museum, a museum of city of Mologa, at the Governor of the Yaroslavl area, in joint-stock company "Moskovit", in the property of NPO "Saturn" (Rybinsk motors),In assembly of magazine " Russian gallery XXI century ",In State Duma FS of the Russian Federation, private(individual) assemblies of Moscow, Rybinsk, Saint-Petersburg, Yaroslavl, and as in Germany, USA, Finland, Sweden, Holland,England, Macedonia. * Contact telephone in Rybinsk: (MTS) +7-910-817-7547 The bibliography: 1. Magazine “ Young artist ” 3, 1981 Architectural sketches., E.Kudrjashev. Publishing house “ Young guards. ” Moscow. 140 000 copies. 2. Album " Rybinsk ". Shimanskaja M.G., Metelitsa S.I., M., Incombook. 1998. - 304 page., 25 000 copies ISBN 5 - 8852 - 015 - 2 printed “ Rotolito Lombarda. ” Milan. Italy. 3. « Alexander Shevelyov painting. » The Album - catalogue, "Stratim" 48 pages, 1000 copies, Rybinsk 2006. 4.Ostwind. Kunst & Integration, das Magazin , ISSN 1867-0296, 56 Page, 3000 copies. Richard Verlag. Nurnberg, June 2009 5. « New city » - magazine, « Art - historical reconstruction of Rybinsk in Alexander Shevelyova's products. », publishing house " Mediarost " 104 pages, 3000 copy, April - May, Rybinsk 2011. 6. The guidebook. - “ Travel on Krestovoj street. ” Rybinsk 2011. Management of culture of administration of city district of city of Rybinsk.Publishing house "Officina". officina-aaa@rambler.ru 7. ” Ugleche a field. ” - magazine. Historical - the study of local lore and literary appendix to “ Uglich to the newspaper ”, № 12., 2012. Mologa: Waves above city. Svetlana Kistenyova. 168 pages. 4000 copies. Open Society " Polygraphy ", Yaroslavl 8. ” Ugliche a field. ” - magazine. Historical - the study of local lore and literary appendix to “ Uglich to the newspaper ”, № 13., 2012. Advertising - Art gallery " Dialogue " Rybinsk. 169 pages. 4000 copies. Open Society " Polygraphy ", Yaroslavl 9. «International Contemporary Artist» Vol IV,is published by ICA Publishing, 360 Page, 6000 copies. ISBN 9786188000704, ISBN 978-960-93-3380-1, publishing EU, May 2012. 10. « Russian gallery XXI century », magazine ISSN 2075-0986, « the Pacification and harmony » artist Alexander Shevelyov. © the Publishing house "Panorama" Moscow, 67 pages 3000 copy, 3. 2012 11. « International Contemporary Artist » Vol V, is published by ICA Publishing, 348 Page, 6000 copies. ISBN 9786188000711, November 2012. 12. Rybinsk - eight favourite routes. The album - guidebook the .Аutor-composer O.Hrobostova.320 page .3000 of copy ISBN 978-5-906070-01-2 © Joint-Stock Company Арт-holding « Mediarost. », 2012. 13. « International Contemporary Artist » Vol VI, is published by ICA Publishing, 406 Page, 6000 copies. ISBN 9786188000728, May 2013. 14. ARS LONGA (album) - M.: Publishing house " Gaidmark ", 2013.-432 pages.: silt. ISBN 978-5-905009-08-3 circulation: 1000 copies. 15. Traditions of the Yaroslavl edge(territory). A national calendar./ A.A.Maslova. J.V.Maslov - Rybinsk. Mediarost.2013 108 Page.: Illustrations. - (Library of Yaroslavl family ISBN 978-5-906070-11-1, ISBN 978-5-906070-14-2 (Vol.3) 7000 copies. 16. The Yaroslavl character. / J.E.Smirnov. E.A.Ermolin. Under V.V.Goroshnikova.-'s general(common) edition Rybinsk. Mediarost. 2013 - 108 Page.: Illustrations.-(Library of the Yaroslavl family: ISBN 978-5-906070-11-1, ISBN 978-5-906070-15-9 (Vol.4) 7000 copies. 17. Saturn 2013. Events and people. - Rybinsk, 2013. - 272 pages. 1000 copies. Open Society « Rybinsk house of a seal » © Open Society « NPО Saturn » 18. « Art of Russia », 13 Annual catalogue - directory ISBN 978-5-91966-011-8 © Publishing house "M- Сканрус "., The International art fund 2014., Open Company « Balto print »., Logotipas Company circulation of 5000 copies. 19. Magazine « Russian history » № 1 (28) 2014 ISSN 2072-9103 order 15543 . Romanticism a city landscape. © ANО « Magazine Russian history » 125 pages. 5000 of copies. 20.« Art of Russia », 14 Annual catalogue - directory ISBN 978-5-91340-021-5 © Publishing house "Tvorchestvo "., The International art fund 2015., Open Company « Balto print »., Logotipas Company circulation of 5000 copies. 21. Rybinsk branch Union Artist of Russia, the album - catalogue. 2014 ,1000 copies. 22. « Art a today - Holiday » the Album - catalogue, the Creative Union of artists. Publishing house " Gaidmark " ISBN 978-5-905009-06-8 , 500 copies, Moscow 2015 23. « Art of Russia », 15 Annual catalogue - directory ISBN 978-5-91340-024-6 © Publishing house " Tvorchestvo "., the International art fund 2016., « IPK Pareto-Print»., 5000 copies. Moscow. 24. « Seasons », Artist Alexander Shevelev painting - album, 36 pages, color, a paper 170 g., glossy, 500 copies. Publishing house " Mashtab ", Rybinsk 2015. 25. ARS LONGA (album) - M.: Publishing house " Gaidmark ", 2015.-464 Color pages,: vol V, ISBN 978-5-905009-05-1 circulation: 500 copies. 26. Cities of the Yaroslavl area: Romanov - Borisoglebsk, Rybinsk, Poshehonye / M.V.Aleksandrova, A.B.Kozlov, A.Y.Danilov; Under V.V.Goroshnikova's general(common) edition. - Rybinsk. Mediarost. 2015 - 104 Page. - (Library of the Yaroslavl family: ISBN 978-5-906070-11-1, ISBN 978-5-906070-37-1 (Vol.21) 5000 copies. Open Company « IPK Pareto-Print», Tver. 27. ARS LONGA (album) - M.: Publishing house " Gaidmark ", 2016.-388 Color pages,: vol VI , ISBN 978-5-905009-08-2 circulation: 350 copies. 28. "Foma" Orthodox magazine for doubting 3 ( 167 ) - March 2017, ISSN 1813-8993, © Fund " Foma the centre " edition, 123212, Moscow. Str. Druzhnikovskaja 30, bild. 1. 98 pages 25000 of copies. 29. " Rybinsk news. " The political edition. The main newspaper of city since June, 1917 May, 24, 2017 № 39 ( 25, 920 ) Artist that draws century past. Nadezgda Osminina. 30. "Rybnaya Sloboda." Historical and Cultural Journal of the Rybinsk Diocese No. 1(23)/2021 , February 5, 2021. Printed in the printing house of LLC "Stratim-KPK", Rybinsk, 1st Vyborgskaya str., 50. Circulation 600 copies. On the cover is a Lilac evening in Rybinsk.With.Panov by the Roads of St. Seraphim. 31. "Rybnaya Sloboda." Historical and Cultural Journal of the Rybinsk Diocese No. 2(24)/2021 , May 2, 2021. Printed in the printing house of LLC "Stratim-KPK", Rybinsk, 1st Vyborgskaya str., 50. Circulation 600 copies. On the cover is a fragment of Alexander Shevelev's work "Alexander Nevsky" by H. M. 1990. 32."Rybinsk in the fine arts of the XVIII - XXI centuries." Publishing house LLC "ART-HOLDING"MEDIAROST".Circulation 1500 copies, 219 pages.Printed in the printing house of JSC "TATMEDIA" PIC "IDEL-PRESS".420066Kazan, ul.Decembrists,2 ISBN 978-5-906071-62-0 33...The Forgotten Fairy Tale".Letters about a bygone love about a bygone Russia. Roman M.V. Imshenetskaya 1883-1972.Ed."Russian Chronograph" 2021.-325 p. Moscow. Cover; ,,Spring in the manor" 2007, edition of 4000 copies.Printed by JSC,Tver Printing Plant" 170024 Tver, Lenin Avenue, 5 ISBN 978-5-87468-176-0 |
Alexandershevelevphoto Alexander Shevelev Gallery shevelew@inbox.ru |